Park(ing) Closel launched

In parallel with the reallocation of the Renens City Workshops, the parking lot to the south of the site, in direct contact with the SBB network, is being redeveloped into a generously planted area.
The resizing of the parking lots frees up an important surface, abandoning the “industrial desert” character of the parking lot to rediscover a permeable soil. The various developments emphasize the treatment of runoff water in the open air, by means of a landscaped ditch parallel to the Closel road. The latter allows for the development of hydrophilic vegetation, as well as the planting of a wooded cordon providing welcome shade on the site.
A shrubby grove takes place at the interface of the railroad tracks, on a flowery meadow bringing a procession of seasonal colors and an increased environmental value in an urban environment.
The parking lots are also marked by permeable pavements, combining comfort of use and respect for the natural water cycle. Because of the lightness and reversibility of this installation, the southwest sector of the Ateliers can consider a future transformation into a business or neighborhood park.